Website Terms

Last updated: 8 April, 2024

These Terms of Use are entered into by and between you (“You”, “Your(s)”) and Bashta, a company registered under the laws of UAE with registered office at Dubai World Trade Centre, 1 Central, Building 1, 2nd Floor (“Bashta ”, “We”, “Us”, “Our(s)” and variants of the same). These Terms of Use, together with any amendments and extensions incorporated herein by reference (collectively, the “Terms of Use”), govern Your access to and use of the website, including without limitation any content, features, and services found on or offered on or through the website  (the “Website“). By using this Website, You represent and affirm that You accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, together with Our Privacy Policy, and that You are of legal age to form a binding contract with Us. If You do not accept these Terms of Use and/or Our Privacy Policy, You should not access, visit and/or use the Website or service.

  1. Permitted Use of the Website

You may use the Website, including any and all information, text, writings, designs, images, design projects, pre-projects, re-design images, drafts, scratches, schemes, projections, designs, plans, graphics, displays, tables, artwork, photographs, images, audiovisual materials, editorial, multimedia elements, materials, videos, music, sound recordings, reports, documents, the contents and structure of the Website, including the design, selection, and arrangement of the foregoing, as well as any code, software, processes, technologies, domain names, web pages, user interfaces, URLs, files and links and/or other works or materials available on or through the Website (the “Materials”):

  • only for lawful purposes,
  • strictly and exclusively for Your non-commercial, personal or informational use, and
  • in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Nothing in these Terms of Use grants You any legal rights in the Materials or the Website other than as necessary to enable You to access the Materials or Website and use the services. Any use of the Materials or the Website not specifically permitted herein is expressly prohibited unless otherwise allowed in writing by Us. In case of breach of these Terms of Service by You, We reserve the right to immediately disconnect You from the Website or the service.

  1. Prohibited Use of the Website

Unless otherwise prescribed in these Terms of Use, You are not allowed to whether, directly or indirectly:

  • access or use the Website or Materials in violation of any applicable laws or regulations,
  • access or use the Website or Materials in violation of these Terms of Use, in particular, use or allow others to access or use all or any portion of the Website or Materials for commercial, advertising, promotional, or marketing purposes without Our prior written consent. Commercial or any other unauthorized use of the Website or Materials is strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to take legal steps against any individual or legal entity using the Website or Materials for commercial purposes or in any other unauthorized manner,
  • use any robot, spider, or other manual or automatic device, process, means or any process to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying the Website or any portion thereof or any of the Materials,
  • frame or mirror any portion of the Website or otherwise incorporate any portion of the Website into any product or service without Our prior written consent,
  • use the Website in any way that is, or may be damaging to or affect the security of the Website or any portion of the Website or to any person or business entity,
  • reverse engineer, decompile or reverse assemble the Website or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, or allow any third party to do so, without Our prior written consent, 
  • use the Website or Materials in any manner for any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting, machine learning and/or artificial intelligence purposes or any other process of a nature commonly referred to as artificial intelligence, including but not limited to training or development of artificial intelligence tools or machine learning language models or any other technologies of a nature commonly referred to as artificial intelligence, and/or generating any data, content, text, images or any other materials or derivative works based on or using the Materials or the Website.

Without limitation to any of the foregoing, any Materials and specifically any design projects, pre-projects, re-design images, drafts, scratches, schemes, projections, designs, plans, etc. are available on or through the Website exclusively for information purposes and You hereby oblige not to use, copy, download, reproduce, publish, republish, display, perform, store, upload, post, modify, alter, distribute, transmit, assign, transfer, rent, lease, loan, sell or offer to sell, sublicense or otherwise commercially exploit, or create any derivative works from, any of the above listed materials by any means and in any way or manner, including without limitation in Your creatives or in connection with any product or service.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

We are the sole owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Website and Materials, including but not limited to all related copyright, trademarks, designs, trade secrets, patents and other intellectual property rights of any kind, as well as domain name rights, regardless of whether they are registered or not, to Materials or the Website, including but not limited to the contents and structure of the Website, any software used on the Website etc. (“Our Intellectual Property Rights”). All Our Intellectual Property Rights are reserved.

Without limitation to any of the foregoing, You agree not to use, copy, download, reproduce, publish, republish, display, perform, store, upload, post, modify, alter, distribute, transmit, assign, transfer, rent, lease, loan, sell or offer to sell, sublicense or otherwise commercially exploit, or create any derivative works from, any Materials or the Website or any portion of the Website, or Our Intellectual Property Rights, in whole or in part, by any means and in any way or manner without Our prior written consent.

[Bashta] is a registered trademark and may be used only with Our written permission thereto. All Website related names, logos, product and service names, designs, etc. are the trademarks of Bashta or Our affiliates or licensors. You may not use Our trademarks, trade names, logos or designs, or any other marks held by Us, in connection with any product or service that is likely to cause confusion, take unfair advantage or cause detriment. 

You agree not to remove any notices on the Materials or the Website including but not limited to copyright or trademark notices and other any intellectual property notices.

Except as stated in these Terms of Use or except as otherwise allowed by Us in writing, We do not grant You any of Our Intellectual Property Rights, including but not limited to any right, title or interest in or to the Materials, Website or any portion thereof, except for the limited right to use the Website as set out in these Terms of Use. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Us. 

Any use of the Materials, Website or the services not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use constitutes a breach of these Terms of Use and may be in violation of the applicable copyright, trademark, and other laws and regulations.

  1. Limitation of Liability

We disclaim any warranty, express or implied, whatsoever. To the fullest extent provided by law, We, Our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, directors, employees, partners, suppliers, licensors, service providers do not warrant that the software or the Website is fit for their purpose and/or is free from errors or interruptions. In no event shall We, Our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, directors, employees, partners, suppliers, licensors, service providers be liable (i) for loss, damages or claims of any kind whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise, that may arise from Your use or inability to use the Website or services or in any way related to Your use of the Website or services, (ii) for any loss, damages or claims of any kind that You may suffer because of Our failure to perform any Our obligations set forth herein as a result of force major.

  1. Indemnification

You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest extent Us, Our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, directors, employees, partners, suppliers, licensors, service providers from and against any and all loss, liability, damage, cost, expense, demand, claim, action, proceeding, debt, penalty, charge, fine or expense relating to or arising from directly or indirectly: (i) Your use of the Website or the services; (ii) Your breach of any of Your obligations or representations or warranties made hereunder; (iii) any violation by You of any applicable laws and regulations or third-party rights.

  1. Warranty Disclaimer

The Website, Materials and services are provided “as is”, “with all faults” and on an “as available” basis without warranties of any kind. We hereby expressly disclaim all and any warranties, representations, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise with respect to the Website or services.

Use of the Website is at Your own discretion and risk. 

These disclaimers apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

  1. User Support

If You have any request and/or complaint to Us or in case You suspect misuse of the Website or infringement of intellectual property rights, please contact Us via:

General Inquiry: [email protected]

Career Inquiry: [email protected]

Project Inquiry: [email protected]

Marketing & PR Inquiry: [email protected]

  1. Waiver

Failure by either party to exercise or enforce any of rights or remedies hereunder or by virtue of law shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies.

  1. Severability of Clauses

If any clause of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable by virtue of law, the invalidity of that clause will not render the remaining clauses of these Terms of Use invalid or unenforceable and the remaining clauses of these Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect.

  1. Survival

Upon expiration or termination of these Terms of Use as between You and Us, Your indemnification obligations and Our warranty disclaimers and limitations of liabilities, as well as intellectual property provisions provided for in these Terms of Use shall survive.

  1. Governing Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE. The parties irrevocably agree that any dispute or claim which may arise out of, under or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of UAE.

  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between You and Us with respect to the Website and services and supersede any previous agreements or arrangements between You and Us.

  1. Term and Termination

These Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect while you access the Website and Materials or services that We provide on or through the Website. 

We may restrict your access to the Website or the services, including without limitation any of 

Our purported obligations hereunder, at any time for any or no reason, with or without notice. 

  1. Assignment

We reserve the right at any time to assign or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, to any Our affiliate or third party with or without notice to You.

Your rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned, sub-contracted, sub-licensed or otherwise transferred without Our prior written consent.

  1. Amendments

We reserve the right to unilaterally amend, change, update, modify, add to, delete, or make other alterations to these Terms of Use at any time at Our sole discretion for any or no reason by making available the amended Terms of Use on the Website without giving You prior notice. Such amendments shall take effect immediately upon the new version of the Terms of Use is published on the Website. You are responsible for regularly checking these Terms of Use for any changes. By continued access to and/or use of the Website by You following any such modification You agree to be bound by the Terms of Use, as modified.